Fashion Icons in Social Media
In the past, Fashion Icons were determined by Hollywood through the Cinema Industry, Television, and Magazines. Today's society has changed in different ways, the principal being the creation of what we know as Social Media. This not only influenced humanity but also how we see Fashion nowadays. In actuality, we have a new influence named by society as "influencers"; Individuals who gained notable importance in different online platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube, online platforms that became the rulers of style. These influencers are capable of receiving the attention of thousands of users and changing their perspectives and opinions about fashion. This new fashion era surrounds all different outfits, from glamorous to more sober clothes, even gothic styles. These are the most recognized fashion influencers that you can find on the internet: @Charlidamelio One of the most recognized influencers on the platform 'TikTok' made her pass to fame with t...